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Marble Surface
Marble Surface

About the Brand

In terms of evolution in style and product, the recent collections point to an even more marked and recognizable identity and, in particular for the first line, to a positioning in the higher segment. The differentiation of the brands also allows for greater flexibility in the coverage of the markets and in the service to the points of sale. In the process of positioning towards the high end of the market, the company is operating on the image and communication side with the aim of increasing the perception of the brand. The company takes part in the most important Italian and international fairs and is planning the opening of the first flagship store in Milan.


Collection Inspiration

Stefano Mortari S.r.l. operates in the women's fashion collections sector, active for 20 years in Italy and abroad with a high positioning on the most mature and advanced markets. The company designs, produces and distributes a look that has been one of the Made in Italy references for years. The company produces collections under the brand "STEFANO MORTARI" as first line and "LIM" as a complementary collection, similar in style but still more accessible and for a young audience. The strengths are to be found especially in knitwear and in a very competitive price / quality ratio, obtained following a decade of innovation and research on yarns, fabrics and design, with a recognizable style appreciated by a sophisticated clientele. These distinctive skills in design and technique have always been in great demand by large companies and fashion brands, for which the designer Stefano Mortari has designed and produced important collections and product series.

Stefano Mortari Must Haves

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